December 2021 Minutes




Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting, held on Monday 13th December 2021, at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.


  1. Apologies for Absence

No apologies received.  Cllr M Heavens attended via Zoom due to COVID isolation restrictions.

  1. Present

Cllr M Bodman, Cllr A Wilkinson, Cllr S Masterman, Cllr J Smith, Mrs S Harvey (Parish Clerk),  In attendance – Mr S Chester.

2 members of the public present.



None declared.



Cllr Bodman welcomed Mr Stephen Chester to the meeting as he was heavily involved in the writing of the current Neighbourhood Plan.Cllr Bodman outlined the reasons for the meeting and that the Parish Council had been approached by several companies offering to review the plan.

Mr Chester explained that at the Annual Parish Council meeting, there would be a discussion to see whether it was appropriate to hold a review, both in terms of how the plan had worked and in response to any concerns raised by parishioners.Mr Chester advised that the Parish Council consult with WLDC as to whether the plan needs to be reviewed.Cllr Smith explained that the total developments so far had reached 28, (26 were identified within the plan). Cllr Wilkinson circulated a document showing the process for reviewing the plan.Mr Chester outlined that, if the number of developments has been exceeded, then developers had to get community support to be able to proceed. The final draft version was compiled in 2017, and adopted in 2018 by WLDC.

Cllr Masterman asked which areas of the plan need to be reviewed. Cllr Bodman discussed that this depends on the impact of different areas within the plan, as one area may impact the other.Cllr Wilkinson informed the meeting that the plan should be reviewed ‘from time to time’, as identified in the plan. Mr Chester advised that a working group would be the best way forward, however in the current situation, he advised that we wait until mid-January 2022 to call together a steering group.Cllr Bodman asked Mr Chester if he would be happy to be a part of the group.Mr Chester was in agreement to be a part of the group, but for someone else to lead on this.Cllr Smith suggested that we ask for volunteers to sit on the group.Mr Chester advised that the Parish Council


can form a sub group and invite members of the community.He said that people were keen to attend meetings and feed ideas in, although when it came down to writing the vision and objectives, there was only so much that could be distributed between the members of the committee.

Cllr Masterman asked about the link between the Parish Council plan and the Local Plan.Mr Chester advised that much of the Parish Council plan was informed by the Local Plan.

Mr Chester suggested that a review is certainly worth doing, but for Councillors to be mindful of the information drawn from the Local Plan.

Action: Cllr Bodman suggested that we put some communication in the Parish Pump (separate leaflet), Facebook and the Parish Website. All agreed.

Action: Parish Clerk/Cllr Wilkinson to identify the names of those who took part in the initial consultation and invite them to an initial meeting.  All agreed.

Mr Chester asked Councillors to have a long hard think to review what the Neighbourhood plan has and has not delivered, so that this can be the basis for a starting point.



2% increase agreed, final document to be sent to WLDC by 28 January 2022.This will be signed off at the next PC meeting on 10 January 2022.




Cllr Masterman reported that Highways had been in touch regarding the recent accidents on Top Road, where vehicles are running off the verges.Cllr Masterman had the opportunity to speak to one of the drivers who had recently had an accident, who reported that he had hit the soft verges.Highways reported that work to make repairs would be considered in March 2022.Concerns expressed that the forthcoming bad weather would make the situation worse.

One parishioner asked about an update regarding the gigabit scheme.Cllr Heavens advised that this is a lengthy process and the lady concerned will be in attendance at the February 2022 meeting. A lot will depend on how many households sign up for the scheme. Cllr Heavens has also been invited to an Open Reach meeting in January 2022, via Zoom. The parishioner went on to comment that the initial information was a little vague and had not been made clear enough and that we may have attracted more people if the information had been made clearer.Cllr Bodman responded and thanked him for comments. It was agreed that a new ‘drive’ is required. Action: An update will be put in the next Parish pump.



Cllr Masterman asked whether there had been any further interest in anyone becoming a Parish Councillor.Action: It was agreed that this will also be promoted in the Parish Pump.


Minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2021 (closed meeting) were unanimously agreed as a true record.


Meeting closed at 8.30pm.



Minutes agreed as a true record ………Cllr M Bodman (Chair) 10.01.22