June 2023 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th June 2023, commencing at 7.30pm.  

There will be a 15-minute public forum between 7.30 & 7.45pm

Number of public present:6

Issues raised: Gigabite scheme update required, which is on the Agenda. 

1.   Present: Cllr J Trafford (Chair) Cllr A Boyles (Vice-Chair), Cllr A Wilkinson, Cllr K Fox Ms S Harvey (Clerk).  In attendance Ms M Williams (Replacment Clerk).  Cllr Laurence Brown and Cllr Steve Slawson joined the meeting, having been co-opted (Agenda item 4).

2.   Apologies for Absence.  Cllr S Bunney (attendance at a WLDC meeting)

3.   Chairman’s and Councillor’s remarks - no comments.

4.   To review and resolve to agree on the Co-Option of Councillor from interested parishioner. Documents for completion to be emailed regarding co-option. 

2 parishioners have applied to be Councillors,  It was agreed that both applicants were suitable and were asked to join the meeting.  This leaves the Council with 1 vacancy. 

Welcome email to be sent from the Clerk together with a copy of the code of conduct and instructions to set up a bespoke email address.  

5.   The Council resolved to agree the appointment of a replacement Parish Clerk 

All agreed. Mary Williams was welcomed to the meeting as the replacement Clerk. Handover meeting has already taken place, with other documents and equipment to be handed over this week.  

6.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act and to consider any requests for dispensations - None declared.

7.   Reports from District & County Councillors, Police and the Village Hall, if present

Cllr Bunney is still working on the resurfacing of Lincoln Lane, completion of the school car park, reduction of speed limit at Fir Park, flooding on Washdyke Lane, where a meeting with highways officer to get a report of the proposed work and timelines is to be arranged.  

Village hall fete on Saturday and dog show.  It was ok, but disappointed at the lack of attendance, it was also a very hot day which may have affected attendance. 

8.   Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd May 2023 to be approved as the minutes.  All agreed. 

9.   To nominate a representative for the Bells Alms Houses Committee and attend the Committee meeting in September 2023.  (Agenda and Financial information provided).  Cllr Trafford was happy to take on the representation and information was handed over from the Clerk. 

10.   Clerk’s report on matters outstanding.  Documents for the purchase of burial plots needs to be updated by a parishioner, these were passed on to Cllr Slawson for completion and return. CIL document required further completion.    VAT claim to be completed. It was agreed that the outgoing clerk would close off these issues during the handover period.  With regards to the request for a Tenancy agreement for Sand Lane, it was suggested that this is added to the July agenda.  AVG online security - this will require renewal in December 2023. 

11.   Planning Matters

i.   To resolve an agreed response to WLDC on applications made

No applications made

12.   Correspondence - To note general correspondence as per the list provided

Open Spaces - AGM 6th July 2023, attendance can be in person or via Zoom, information available to any Councillor interested in attending.  The subscription for this will be due later this year, Councillors need to consider whether this is worth re-newing. 

Information was provided regarding changes to Neighbourhood Policing, which has been circulated and included on the website/facebook. Clarification regarding the wording of the contract for grass cutting was provided.   

13.   To resolve whether or not to re-subscribe to Clerks & Councils Direct magazine.  Cllr Wilkinson proposed that this was continued, seconded Cllr Trafford, all agreed.  

14.   Financial Matters

i.   To receive a report on the Financial Year 01.04.22 - 31.03.23 from the Responsible Financial Officer.  A report was provided and balance sheet circulated by the Clerk.  

ii.   To review and resolve to accept the AGAR part 3 2022/23 as follows:

a)   Execute Annual Governance Statement - As the expenditure has exceeded £25,000, the Part 3 document sent to the external auditors will incur a fee of £210.00 once reviewed. All agreed

b)   To approve statement of accounts - all agreed

c)   Execute review of internal audit - all agreed

d)   Set date for period for the exercise of public rights The new Clerk agreed to set dates for this, once the documentation had been sent to the external auditors. 
15.   Financial Report for the current year

Current balances as @ 01.06.23
Current account £11362.84 (Income of £30.45 interest)
Business reserve **6471 £7218.73 (Income of £7.00 interest)
Business reserve £595.86 (Income of £8.61 interest)

i.   Ratification of payment schedule

S Harvey - Salary


S Harvey - Milage - Handover to new clerk


Data Protection Fee


Clerk and Councils Direct subscription (if agreed to continue)


3 mobile

7.00 (1.17 vat)

A J Williams Grass cutting May 2023

264.00 (44.00 vat)

Osgodby Primary School - Donation to Bee Project, already approved (17.04.23 agenda item 17)  See attached for Bank details. Please quote S347 Osgodby as reference on payment. 


Sue Hurt - plants for the village green planters


ii.   To confirm arrangements for the change of bank details - this is done online, however Clerk needs mobile numbers of Councillors to complete the process.  It was agreed that 4 Councillors will be signatories (Cllr A Wilkinson who is already on the mandate), and authorised that the following will be new signatories:  Cllr J Trafford (Chair) and Cllr K Fox and Cllr A Boyles. Cllr J Trafford will also have online access to the account.  Action: Clerk to review the document online and complete the process. 

16.   Update regarding the Gigabit Scheme and confirm contribution to be paid by the Parish Council.

i.   To resolve on signing of the Contract for the Gigabit scheme. 

It was proposed by Cllr Trafford and seconded by Cllr Wilkinson that the shortfall was paid.  All agreed. Action: Cllr Trafford to electronically sign the document on updating. 

17.   Change of registered address for the Village Green (HM Land Registry).  This is to be completed by the new Clerk. 

18.   Additional spaces in the garden for Cremated Remains and plans for extending the cemetery.  A plan was circulated showing three remaining plots for sale.  

i.   To resolve action required to extend the number of spaces for cremated remains.  Cllr Wilkinson outlined the issues regarding laying additional spaces and that there would need to be a tendering a tendering process for the creation of new places. 

Action: Cllr Wilkinson will bring further information to the July meeting. 

19.   Feedback on the presentation from Phillip Pearson, regarding proposed redevelopment of Hill House Residential Home site. 

i.   To agree a response to the proposed redevelopment. Action: Clerk to email Mr Pearson to let him know this will be reviewed for the next meeting. It was discussed that this should be added to the village facebook page and Council website to give parishioners the opportunity to give feedback. 

Date of next meeting: July 10th 2023. 

Meeting closed at 20.35hrs.