July 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held Monday 11th July 2022, 7.30pm Osgodby village hall.
13 members of the public in attendance.
Parking on the village green – One parishioner provided evidence regarding unlawful parking on the village green. The information provided detailed that parking is illegal, unless there was a previous allowance, this information had previously been provided in regards to another matter and informs that parking rights existed before the land was registered as a village green and therefore should remain in place. Cllr Heavens suggested to Councillors that this matter requires further investigation, which was agreed.
A resident commented on Planning application 144997 relating to the application regarding the hedgerow and landscaping of the development ‘Orchard Close’ Cllr Heavens asked whether the issues raised were part of the original planning conditions, which they were. Cllr Bunney commented that these concerns need to be raised with Planning and he would also take the concerns up with Planning. Residents contributed to the discussion, informing the meeting that they had already raised concerns, but were feeling ignored. A copy of the concerns was provided for the Committee.
One parishioner commented that one of the bus stops on A46 was being blocking by overgrown trees. Action: Parish Clerk to look into this.
One parishioner commented that early in the morning between 6am-8am, the speed of vehicles going out of the village, past Orchard Close is very dangerous and shared concerns that there will be an accident. Action: Cllr Heavens to review the data and link with Lincs Road Safety Partnerships.
1. Present
Cllr M Heavens (CHAIR), Cllr J Smith (Vice-CHAIR), Cllr I Johnson, Cllr A Wilkinson, Cllr S Masterman.
Cllr Bunney in attendance (may have to leave the meeting before it closes).
2, Apologies for Absence
Cllr M Bowley (Personal reasons) Apologies accepted.
3. Councillor vacancies x1 – Co-option of Councillor
1 application has been received. Proposed by Cllr Heavens, seconded by Cllr Masterman. All agreed.
Jo Trafford was welcomed to the Parish Council and joined the meeting
4. Chairman’s and Councillor’s remarks
Cllr Heavens and Cllr Masterman attended the LaLC networking day on 6 July 2022 and found this very interesting.Information regarding the events of the day was shared with the group, including proposed changes to the NHS in Lincolnshire, which were all positive.
5. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Cllr Wilkinson declared interest in the 2 planning applications.
Cllr Heavens commented that she cannot sign the payment schedule if payments are made to her.
6. Reports from District & County Councillors, Police and the Village Hall, if present
Cllr Bunney gave his update. Firstly, the NHS and Ambulance services are promoting the registration of defibrillators with ‘The Circuit’. Parish Clerk confirmed that both defibrillator’s are registered with The Circuit.
Good Homes Alliance – LCC are exploring how residents are repairing and improving homes and are asked to support the scheme be completing a short survey on the Let’s Talk Lincolnshire site platform, which is found at www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk
UK shared prosperity fund – WLDC have received a grant of £2.7m from UK shared Prosperity Fund, however the schemes which will benefit are yet to be decided. They will be based on key themes, including crime, fuel poverty, community infrastructure, access to broadband, education and training developments.
Greater Lincolnshire – LCC along with NE Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire Councils are lobbying hard to set up Greater Lincolnshire, which will result in 3 councils working together to provide services, reducing duplication and improving services by economies of scale, sharing offices, skills etc. Parish/Town Councils will remain the same, however the model of Greater Lincolnshire will be run by a Metropolitan Mayor/Governor. Documents will be released in the Autumn and will be made available for consultation.
Budget consultation for WLDC will be made public in August and Parish Councils will have the opportunity to comment.Cllr Bunney left the meeting at 19.55hrs for another appointment.
Village Hall – At the last meeting, it was discussed to purchase some recycled benches, that are vandal proof.If anyone is interested in having a dedicated bench, please contact members of the village hall committee.Cost approx. £400.
There is a major issue with dog fouling on the playing field and play area despite notices. One parishioner expressed concerns regarding a dog that was recently off lead and running around with children.
It was commented that in other parishes, dogs are not permitted on these areas.
7. Notes of the last meeting on 13th June 2022 to be approved as the minutes.
Parish Clerk to amend the mins of the meeting, to read 13th June 2022. The minutes were then approved.
8. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
Printer/Scanner for Clerk – Reviewed online, but will go to PC world to look at what is available. The budget has already been agreed, so this can be purchased by the Clerk.
9. Planning Matters
i. Application number 144998 – Change of use to barn and stable, Land adjacent to Red House, Main Street, Osgodby. To resolve on whether or not to submit an agreed response to WLDC
Cllr Wilkinson expressed an interest in this application and was unable to vote.
Agreed response: All in favour of supporting the application, with additional comments as discussed.
Cllr Heavens proposed that the response is sent to WLDC, which was seconded by ?? All agreed.
ii. Application number 144997 - Land South of Orchard Close Osgodby Lincoln LN8 3WF. To resolve whether or not to submit an agreed response to WLDC.
Cllr Wilkinson expressed an interest in this application and was unable to vote.
Information presented was debated by Councillors and a response agreed.
Cllr Heavens proposed that the response is sent to WLDC, to object to the planning application, seconded by Cllr Masterman. All agreed.
10. Correspondence - To note general correspondence as per the list provided.
Communication from Marshalls funeral directors regarding internment of ashes. There are 6 cremation plots remaining for purchase and it was request this be added to the September Agenda.
Approval of headstone received and returned to Leak’s Masonry.
Cycle pods – post on Facebook regarding a shopping trolley which has been left in one of the cycle pods. Action: Parish Clerk to follow up.
Temporary blocking of bridleway at Kirby posted on Facebook. Parish Clerk has responded. Action: Parish Clerk to look into issues with the bridlepath.
Email from LIVES regarding the delay in delivery of pads and batteries for the defibs. Global shortage is affecting supply. The defib has already been taken out of service at Kirkby. Action: Parish Clerk to put a notice on the defib/notice boards advising that it is temporarily out of service.
The Give Way sign at the junction of Low Road/A46 has fallen down. Action: Parish Clerk to report to Highways.
AGAR – PKJ Littlejohn have contacted the Parish Clerk, chasing the AGAR exemption certificate, which was sent on 7th June 2022. They have now confirmed that this has been received.
11. Financial Matters
i.Financial Report
Bank accounts:
Current account ***7600 £19813.84
Business reserve ***6471 £16345.59
Business reserve ***6996 £542.69
***7600 £705.52 (£700 – Jubilee Grant, £5.52 Interest)
***6471 £1.34 interest
***6996 £1.31 interest
ii. Ratification of payment schedules
S Harvey – See attached breakdown, including £17.00 expenses (paper & ink) |
288.60 |
Wave water bill - Cemetery |
3.87 |
A J Williams verge cutting 17th June 2022 |
84.00 (£14.00 VAT) |
Hodson & Kauss War Memorial refurbishment – suspend payment until work is completed. |
9180.00 (£1530.00 VAT) |
7.00 (£1.17 vat) |
HMRC Tax |
58.44 |
£9621.91 |
12.LaLc Audit
i. To receive information regarding costs and requirements from the Clerk.
Information circulated. Cost is based on number of electorate/approximate hrs. Additional fees for other auditable areas, such as burials. Cllr Heavens updated the meeting as to the benefits of having the audit carried out and the confidence that this will bring to the council and to parishioners.
ii. To resolve as to whether or not the Parish Council engage in the LaLC audit process.
Cllr Heavens proposed, seconded Cllr Trafford. All in favour.
13. i.To receive a proposal from the Parish Clerk regarding repairs required to the 3 notice boards
Parish Clerk circulated images regarding each notice board, extensive repairs are required to all boards. It was discussed to amend the motion to include looking at the cost of new noticeboards as well as the cost of repairs. All agreed.
ii. To resolve whether or not to carry out repairs and to put this out to tender and to look into the costs of new notice boards (motion amended – all agreed). Motion proposed Cllr Heavens, seconded Cllr Johnson. All agreed.
14. War memorial landscaping
i. To review quotations received for landscaping from Cllr Smith
It was agreed that more time required to review quotations received.
It was suggested that an extra-ordinary meeting be held in the next two weeks. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange and book the village hall.
ii. To resolve whether or not to award the contact and to agree on a contractor.
15. Tesco ‘Help the community’ grant application
i. To receive information regarding the grant from Cllr Smith
Cllr Smith updated the meeting regarding the grant Tesco offered, which could be used for planters.
ii. To resolve whether or not to make an application for the grant.
Cllr Smith proposed to apply for the grant. Cllr Heavens seconded, all in favour.
17. Cemetery – Mole removal and monitoring
i. To receive information regarding mole disposal from the Clerk
Quotation has been received, either an annual contract for £250 or £25.00 per captured.
ii. To resolve whether or not to enter into an agreed contract.
Proposed: Cllr Heavens proposed an annual contract, seconded Cllr Masterman. All in favour.
18. .Open Spaces Membership
i. To discuss Open Spaces society
Cllrs had reviewed the website information circulated.The fee is £45.00.It was discussed that they may be able to help with current issues.
ii. To resolve whether or not to adopt membership
Proposal to adopt membership.Cllr Heavens proposed, Cllr Smith seconded. All in favour.
Action: Parish clerk to arrange payment.
19. Sand Lane project update
i. To receive a report from Cllr Johnson
No further information to discuss. This will be included in the September agenda.
ii. To resolve whether or not to continue with the project
20. Openreach Project
i. To receive an update from Cllr Heavens and discuss recent correspondence received from Openreach.
Cllr Heavens has circulated recent information from Openreach, including costings and contract requirements as well as deadline dates and discussions regarding the Governments Gigabit scheme. Councillors discussed key points raised.
ii. To resolve whether or not Cllr Heavens continues with the project
Proposed by Cllr Heavens, seconded Cllr Smith. All agreed.
21. Signage for the Village Green
i. To receive information on costs and designs from Cllr Smith
Further to other information received from a parishioner earlier in the meeting, it was agreed that this motion be deferred and included in the September agenda.
ii. To resolve the purchase of signage and agree on the cost/design.
Meeting closed at 21.15.
Minutes approved Cllr M Heavens (Chair) 26.09.2022.
Agenda items 12th September 2022.
Apologies for Absence
Chairman’s and Councillor’s remarks
To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Reports from District & County Councillors, Police and the Village Hall, if present
Notes of the last meeting on 11th July 2022 to be approved as the minutes.
Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
Planning Matters
Correspondence - To note general correspondence as per the list provided.
Financial Matters, Financial Report. Ratification of payment schedules
Sand Lane Project – To receive a report from Cllr Johnson, to resolve whether or not to continue with the project.
Signage for the Village Green – To receive information on costs and designs from Cllr Smith, to resolve whether or not to purchase signage and agree on the cost/design.
Plots for interment of ashes in the cemetery - To review the provision of additional spaces for interment of ashes in the cemetery, to resolve whether or not to provide additional plots in the cemetery.