Notes of the Public Meeting held on 30th March 2022

Osgodby Public Meeting

Village Hall

7pm 30 March 2022


26 in attendance

Chair – Cllr Gavin Widdison (Normanby By Spital)

Note taker – Ms Julie Haycraft (Normanby By Spital)

Introduction from Cllr Widdison outlining the problem.

Cllr Bunney – District and County Council

Aware of the issues in the village regarding parking outside the schools, concerns regarding speeding. Cllr Bunney not making any judgement but would like to come to a resolution.

School has been expanded and consideration to parking has not been given.

Plans from local authority indicate there will be no further changes. Cllr Bradwell has visited and indicated no changes to car park or the entrance.

County Council will re-instate lines by bus parking area. Comes under Traffic Regulations – there is a delay to achieving this.

County Council also looking at opportunities for 20mph limit outside schools being mandatory – not advisory.

Problem of narrow roads outside schools is not unique to Osgodby and the CC is taking steps to address the issues in many areas.

Comments –

There is an issue of double, triple parking. Worse at end of day than beginning.

Issues around where staff park.

Some people want to walk but pavements and street furniture is not ideal.

People do turns in the road.

Suggestions –

People park elsewhere – such as Village hall – then Park and Stride in line with government initiatives. – Potential problem if there is a lack of parking at the hall if there is an event on.

Possibilities of other parking areas in the village.

Possibility for driving into the village one way and leave another.

Need all stakeholders to have an input to see if there is a solution.

Local authority – “enforcement in education” – Sending personnel out to monitor situation is not likely to be cost effective.

Member of the Public – If people are sat in their car waiting for their child to come out of the school and there is an accident – who is responsible.  – Cllr Bunney – The blame would lie with the person who had parked irresponsibly.

ZigZags will come

Layby will become bus parking only.

School Traffic Safety Policy 2015 are no longer being followed.

Member of the public – if the council is not following their own policy they are culpable. If there are lines there it can be enforced.

Member of the PC – Received Email – PCSO – will visit if required.

Member of the public – can the school not help? Could they be asked to use the side entrance.

Cllr Widdison - School Traffic Safety Policy 2015 – Outside Normanby by Spital we have ZigZag lines. The problem will move to the end of the ZigZag lines. There will still be a problem within the village. If zigzag lines on one side would there still be a problem.

Member of the public. – Wouldn’t be able to park on the other side of the road as there are driveways. Speed is perceptive. Big machinery comes through the village. Some parents park on the pavement – all 4 wheels. Although they are adhering to the 30mph they mount the curb at that speed. Accident did occur with the school bus which then parked on the other side of the road with the door open into the road.

Stakeholders should include Police etc.

Cllr Bunney – has been in touch with the other stakeholders – Road Safety Partnership and Highways.

Member of the public. –Double parking – is outside the school. Lives approx. 100 yards from the school and has cars parked in front of where he lives. These vehicles are there during the day – so it is not just parents dropping off. Approx 15-20 cars daily – only in term time. If we can alleviate the staff parking that would solve some of the problems as it would reduce the number of vehicles.

Head teacher– indicates that police came in to discuss parking issues with the parents. Some of those parents took their children out of the school. – Small school – can’t afford to lose children.

Path not wide enough, lack of light at the front of the school.

Member of the public. –If they use the side entrance that wouldn’t be an issue.

Member of the public. – can we put a car park around the back? It is not used.

Member of the public. – playing field is used after school

Member of the public. – space for 20 cars would resolve

Headteacher – were promised more parking. That promise has resulted in 4 spaces.

Suggestion was to use the front playground – but school don’t have the money to pay for the change of use. It is not used as a playground as it is not fit for purpose.

Cllr Widdison – Where would the staff park if the zigzag lines came in?

Potential solutions – from resident living directly opposite the layby.

Feels as if playing Russian Roulette with children twice a day. Those that are carrying out these actions have become desensitised to it. Convenience of getting in and out of driveways is compromised. We could be the person reversing out of the drive. We don’t want to witness something.

All solutions need budgets etc.

Easiest solution –

Prohibit double parking – it is possible because the road is wider so people perceive this can be done. Need something on the ground to inhibit the parking. Effective regulation would be indication of not being able to park.

Member of the public. – not against school or Pegasus – just want the children to be safe. Everyday kids are witnessed running in and out of cars.

Cllr Bunney - Immediate area there are 4 schools which have similar problems.

Need to get bus back into the layby.

Need to prevent parking in front of the layby.

Where do the cars then go after that?

Where do the staff park? Council have refused that. Is there something that can be done temporarily? Can the staff park at the village hall?

Member of the public. –40 cars are at the Village Hall parked on the grass when there is a bowling night. If it was concreted – could this be used.

Pegasus representative - Agreement was made with Pegasus that staff would park at the Village hall.

Village Hall representive – indicates that Pegasus parents park at the village hall and walk round.

Member of the public. – Some staff raised concerns around parking their cars out of site.

Head teacher – issue with lighting in the car park. He can’t enforce them parking at the village hall.

Member of the public. –If Pegasus staff park at the village hall. There are 4 spaces at the school which resolves some of the issues.

Cllr Widdison – Has consideration been given to having a School Train – Parking for staff in the village hall.

Cllr Bunney – Issue is around how far people are prepared to walk.

Member of the public. –Double parking won’t occur anywhere else if they can’t park outside the school. Until lines are in place there is no point in encouraging people to use the layby by moving people to park in the village hall. Cars moving away from the school are parking in front of residents homes.

Member of the public. –Length of village is available. It is not illegal to park in front of someone else’s house if there is no drive. Approaching from the A46 can result in overtaking parked cars on a blind corner.

Member of the public. –Not a recent problem. Going on for a number of years. Not always a parking problem – it is the attitude of the parents that cause the issues. Rhetoric from parents is obscene.

Member of the public – Were lines not approved in the budget from when the road was surfaced? Cllr Bunney - The lines that were there before will be reinstated. At De Aston it took nearly 4 years but he will chase up and ask for a plan of what is going to happen. He will indicate that the lines need to go in at the end of the project. County wide there will be a reinforcement.

*Lighting inadequate down the side of the village hall. An action to take forward might be to see what lighting can be added to the path – who is responsible? – Pegasus\Village Hall.

District Council may be able to assist with lighting.

If the staff park sensibly it sets a model for parents.

*Extra signage on the road – indicating to move on. – Cllr Bunney to follow up with Road Safety Partnership.

Member of the public. – Could the school bus drop off at the Village Hall. –

Not practical as safeguarding concerns getting the children to the school.

Cllr Widdison – First port of call is the lines on the road. – Bus stop into the layby. Double Yellow lines and ZigZags.

Cllr Bunney asks if Parking at Village Hall with suitable lighting is appropriate.  – General consensus was in agreement.

School needs to continue to push for extra parking.

Parish council needs to push for pavement to be improved along with the school. – Collective campaign.

School and Pegasus – Put out a flyer to the parents.

Press article – Rasen Mail

Clerk to Council – Can police come once the lines are down and show a presence to discourage illegal parking?

Member of the Public – Road safety campaign – get the children to produce posters. Mini police. Potential to put bollards in the layby in the interim between builders leaving and getting the lines.

Cllr Bunney – Can the Parish Council liaise with the School\PTA for producing a flyer – potential for a CIF Grant – approx. £200


Meeting closed at 20:43